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My name is Jakub Petráš and handicraft, especially knivemaking is my hobby since 2006. After my studies at Gymnasium (2011) I start to dedicate most of time to work with fire and steel. I feel that handicraft isn't only my job but it's primary piece of my every-day life. I enjoy in work with anyone natural material and in making of hand-forged knives I found activity of all four elements - earth as steel, fire with air in forge and in the end water, which are closing making process..

But not only these elements attend my creation, I believe that human spirit is mainly part of my handicraft. This fifth element form design and story of knife, it is for product its "sparkle of life". This fire of existence is very significant for me, because thanks for him get knife, axe or anyone product its individuality.
This is reason why I look for materials with character, which are signed by its previous function. For blades it's old springs, non-functional handicraft instruments, bearing, hand files... For handles it's primary wood from my country, next wood with interest past, bones, leather or antlers.

In the end I want to accent that I make knives only for their function as tool. I think, that knife is not weapon, but one from the eldest human helpmate.

Except the knivemaking I work with wood of sambucus nigra, which from I make Slovak, traditional musical instruments (overtone flutes, double-flutes, fujaras) and didgeridoo.

If you interest, contact me on: jakubpetras.noze@gmail.com

God be with you!

Jakub Petráš

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Contact me: jakubpetras.noze@gmail.com